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Type: Modular
Number of Stations:1 to 990,000

SKU: IMMS Category: Tags: ,

IMMS Software

PC-Based Central Control Software for Wide-Area System Management

Hunter’s Irrigation Management & Monitoring Software (IMMS) is a PC-based software package that makes central control of large-scale irrigation systems affordable, usable, and comprehensible. IMMS software and hardware have been intensively developed and refined into a graphically based irrigation command and control program. With IMMS, interactive map graphics (to station level) put the irrigation system manager in complete visual control of wide-area watering operations. An optional ET software add-on provides complete weather-based irrigation with station level soil moisture modeling, using inexpensive local ET sensors. IMMS has a full range of communications options, including Ethernet, GPRS mobile, dial-up telephone, UHF radio, and hardwired cable. IMMS is a PC-based application that is compatible with Windows XP through Windows 8.

Operating Specifications

Windows-based programming and communications software
Total control of each controller’s functions
Graphical user interface with customizable map-based navigation
Flow monitoring and reporting with Hunter ACC controllers
Alarm reporting and detailed irrigation history reports
Wireless and hardwired communication options, including Ethernet and GPRS
Controller sharing of communication channels to reduce communications costs
Compatible with water-saving Hunter Solar Sync sensors, or optional ET Sensors

Warranty period: 5 years



imms-Model2          imms-Model3

Operating Specifications

Windows-based programming and communications software

Total control of each controller’s functions

Graphical user interface with customizable map-based navigation

Flow monitoring and reporting with Hunter ACC controllers

Alarm reporting and detailed irrigation history reports

Wireless and hardwired communication options, including Ethernet and GPRS

Controller sharing of communication channels to reduce communications costs

Compatible with water-saving Hunter Solar Sync sensors, or optional ET Sensors

Download Documents

IMMS Brochure: Brochure-IMMS

IMMS Catalog: Cutsheet-IMMS

IMMS Manual: Manual-IMMS

IMMS Installation: IMMS-Installation

IMMS Photos

IMMS Videos
